

By using this website, you signify that you have read and accept the terms and conditions of use set out in this notice. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use this website. We reserve the right at any time to change the terms of use of this website. Your continued use of this website following the posting of any such changes will mean you have accepted those changes.

Notice and disclaimer

  1. Any information, product or service published on this website is appropriate for use in the United Kingdom. Those who access this website from other areas are responsible for compliance with local laws if local laws are applicable.
  2. This website is for information only, unless otherwise stated. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Renray Healthcare disclaims all express and implied warranties with regard to the information, services and materials contained on this website. In particular, we have used all reasonable care in compiling the content of this website but make no warranty as to the accuracy of any information on this website and cannot accept liability for any errors or omissions. Furthermore, Renray Healthcare accepts no responsibility or liability for and makes no warranties that functions contained within this website will be uninterrupted or error free or that accessing the website will not expose you to any virus or other harmful elements. We will update material errors in the information if it is made aware of such errors, in a timely manner. Note that some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties so some or all the above exclusions may not apply to you.
  3. Renray Healthcare shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may arise from the use of any of the information contained in this website and we do not accept a duty of care in negligence to visitors to this website. As stated in Paragraph 2 above, the information contained on this website is for information only and you are responsible for what you choose to do with that information.
  4. Information published on this website may include advertising and other material submitted by parties other than Renray Healthcare. This website also provides links to other websites operated by third parties. It is the responsibility of these third parties to ensure that such material and such websites comply with all relevant laws and regulations. Renray Healthcare disclaims all responsibility for any error, omission or inaccuracy in such material and websites and/or any failure to comply with relevant laws or regulations. Any links to other websites are provided as a convenience to you as a user of this website and does not imply our endorsement of the linked websites.
  5. These exclusions of liability will not apply to any damages arising from:
    (i) death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Renray Healthcare or any of its employees or agents;
    (ii) fraudulent misrepresentations upon which you relied in such circumstances where it was reasonable for you so to rely;
    (iii) from circumstances where the law otherwise expressly prohibits such liability from being excluded.

This notice and disclaimer is governed by and construed in accordance with English Law. If any part of this notice and disclaimer is deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable then that part will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining parts.

If you require any further information you may email your enquiry to [email protected]

Linking to the website
We are happy to allow appropriate third-party sites, that provide our visitors with more information or support, to link to our website. Sites should be reputable, provide accurate information, and a system to update information should errors occur, comply with all data protection and medical data protection guidelines. If you would like to link to our website, please email us at [email protected]

Renray Healthcare reserves the right to remove this permission at its sole discretion and any link must be discontinued upon notice being received to that effect.

Renray Healthcare is the owner of copyright and database rights in this website, unless specifically stated otherwise, including content, design, graphics, text, software, and underlying source codes.

Renray Healthcare is the owner of all trademarks, trade names, logos and devices appearing on the site, whether registered or unregistered, except where specifically stated otherwise.

This website is protected by copyright. This website or any material part may be reproduced providing the material is not amended or modified in anyway and providing Renray Healthcare is acknowledged as the source.

Data protection
The confidentiality of your information is of paramount concern to Renray Healthcare and we comply with Data Protection Legislation and Medical Confidentiality Guidelines. Please note information submitted to us over this website is normally unprotected until it reaches us. Users should not send confidential details by email, unless specifically requested.


Contact Details

Head office
Road Five,
Winsford Industrial Estate,
Cheshire CW7 3RB

Telephone: +44 (o) 1606 593 456

Email: [email protected]