After Sales

Is your project complete?
Our support doesn’t stop there!

Renray has a dedicated after sales care service to provide customers with ongoing support and assistance post installation to answer any questions and resolve any issues or complaints you have:

Technical support & product training
Warranty queries
Maintenance & repair service
Product issues or defects

After Sales Service

Customer Service Support

Highly experienced personnel on hand Monday to Friday to answer your queries. All issues are resolved quickly and efficiently.

Warranty Service

All products come with a warranty guarantee.

Product and Clinical Training

Our team of Clinical Experts provide training support and clinical advice.

Repair and Replacement Service

Efficient repairs service ensures product defects are resolved quickly.

Speak to us today

To find out more about our After Sales Service, get in touch.

Get In Touch With Us

We bring a personal and effective approach to every project we work on.

Send us a message

One of our team will be happy to help you with your enquiry or answer any questions you may have.

    Contact Support

    To speak to one of the Renray Team, please call us on +44 (0) 1606 593 456.

    One More Question?

    We’re happy to answer any questions you may have about any of our products or services.